When Is The Right Time?

Deciding to send a loved one to assisted living is a hard decision to make. Let us help you make an informed decision. Take our Needs Assessment by clicking below.


    Early Signs of Dementia

    According to the Alzheimer's Association, 10 early signs of the disease and other forms of dementia can include the following:

  • Memory loss that disrupts daily life like loss of recent information, repeating the same questions, forgetting important events, or relying more upon tools like lists to remember things. 

  • Challenges with planning and solving problems like loss of ability to adhere to plans or do basic things like paying bills on time.

  • Difficulty completing familiar tasks like forgetting how to drive to often frequented places or how to use the television remote.

  • Confusion with time or place like forgetting where they are/how they got there, or having trouble understanding when things are going to happen if they don't occur immediately.

  • Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships like judging distances, determining colors, and trouble with balance, vision, or reading.

  • Problems with words in speaking or writing. This is evident when someone can't join or follow a conversation, or starts a conversation, but loses track or repeats themselves. They may also have trouble remembering what to call common objects.

  • Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps. They may put things in unusual places and be unable to find them later. This could lead to accusing others of stealing or moving things.

  • Decreased or poor judgment in areas like personal hygiene, taking care of their homes, or not handling their money appropriately.

  • Withdrawals from work or social activities, usually because they can no longer participate effectively.

  • Changes in mood and personality, causing irritability when out of their routine or normal surroundings.

  • Occasional to common confusion that can cause suspicion, anxiety, depression, or fear. 

  • Evaluation of Yourself as a Caregiver

    Caregivers of those in need are also affected, frequently experiencing increased stress and worry about their loved one. Sometimes moving a loved one into a home specializing in memory care is the best thing caregivers can do. The Alzheimer's Association recommends that caregivers ask themselves a few questions:

  • Is the person with dementia becoming unsafe in their current home?

  • Are the person's care needs beyond my physical abilities?

  • Am I becoming a stressed, irritable, and impatient caregiver?

  • Am I neglecting work responsibilities, my family, and myself?

  • Would the structure and social interaction at a care facility benefit the person with dementia?

Assisted living is a necessary step in the lives of many people.

It's normal for family and caregivers to feel guilty about moving a loved one into a memory care facility, but the benefits for both the loved one and the caregiver can be tremendous. Finding the right place is critical, so take your time, and ask a lot of questions. Above all, find a place for your loved one that focuses on memory care and understands dementia.

In a home like Century Assisted Living, we understand mood swings, sundowning, aggressive behavior, and the vital importance of familiarity and routine. That's what makes Century a safe, loving, and supportive home for those who suffer from Alzheimer's and other types of dementia. Perhaps it's impossible to give your loved one peace of mind all of the time due to the nature of the disease, but we hope we can give that peace of mind to those who love the resident.